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About us


Gilgal House is a non-denominational trust with a vision to bring healing to hurt and broken people with a specialist focus on those who have been sexually and ritually abused.


Gilgal House has taken its name from the place named Gilgal referred to in Joshua chapter 4 of the Old Testament. It was the place where the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the promised land and they took 12 stones from the bed of the river Jordan and set up a cairn there to remind future generations that God had dried up the river. Gilgal was also the place where the Israelites recommitted themselves to God and where God rolled back the disgrace of Egypt to give them a fresh start in the land of their promise. This reflects the vision of Gilgal House to remove the hindrances in peoples lives that prevent them from entering into the destiny that God has placed on their lives.



Gigal House Healing Centre is a non-denominational Christian Trust with a vision to bring healing to hurt and broken people through the teaching of Jesus. The Centre can also provide specialist help to those who have been sexually and ritually abused. It is part of the Bethel Sozo UK Network.


COVID19 UPDATE: In response to the Covid19 epidemic most personal ministry appointments are now offered on-line. Face to face appointments can be offered as an alternative under certain circumstances Covid19 restrictions permitting.


Jesus gave a commission to the church in Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18 to preach the good news, bind up the broken-hearted, set the captives free and make disciples of all nations. Gilgal house is committed to fulfil this commission through evangelism, healing, deliverance, training, resourcing and equipping the church so that the body of Christ is released into its destiny in God.


The Gilgal House Healing Centre trust is a registered charitable trust (UK reg. charity No. 1114475). There are currently 4 trustees: John Doohan, Steve Hepden, John Nightingale (Chairman) and Annette Wason. Mike Preece is currently the Director of Gilgal House and responsible for its management. Mike, together with the trustees form the executive leadership.

How can we help you?

How we can help you


The Sozo ministry is a unique
healing and deliverance ministry.

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Freedom from Freemasonry, slavery, new age & sexual abuse.

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NEW EVENT Freedom from
Freemasonry 19th Nov 2022.
Chelsea, London, UK

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Coming soon


Coming soon


Coming soon

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